Friday, October 12, 2012

My First Publication

So this is what kicked off me having a blog. I finally got over myself, and self published a short story on Amazon with Kindle Direct Publish. It's called A Weekend With Friends, it's only 16 pages long, and starting next week (on Tuesday the 16th) it'll be free for five days.
A Weekend With Friends started out as a class assignment, so I have two versions: the uncensored one, and the "school appropriate" one (I'm so glad to be done with high school). I was doing my senior project (here where I live senior English class is only a semester long, and is comprised of compiling a gigantic portfolio after doing a ton of research on one subject. I chose fear :D) and decided I should write a short story. It's about this group of four friends who invite people over for a small party, but then the gathering takes an unexpected turn for the worse.
You'll have to read it to find out more ;3


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I cannot tell you how much it means to me. I love knowing what people think.

      Also, I liked your review, it was very well written.
