It has been a long while since my last entry because I haven't had internet. I am excited to share two things with whoever is reading (probably no one at this point lol, but oh well).
By the end of this month I will be publishing my "long awaited" zombie fable, more details to come. And more importantly I'd like to talk about "FERAL". A couple of family friends of mine are currently working on a project, but they need your help! Check it out and pledge, even if it's just a few bucks.
It's been a long time coming but they've finally been able to get something started on kickstarter, a place where you put your ideas and eventually, when enough money is donated, the idea can become a reality.
FERAL is a movie, written by Troy Dunn, about a girl, her autistic brother and the trouble they find in a new town. So check out the trailer, tell your friends and go feral.